Christmas cards this year is just the cutest thing ever. Every year I look forward to what we are going to do for family pictures during Summer, and the holiday setup I will create so I can add those pictures to our Christmas cards.
My girls have loved as well to see their little faces printed on the cards and get them all excited to actually do the pictures.
I have become such an advocate for Christmas cards simply because I love sending and receiving cards on the mail. It’s so cool to see my friends’ families growing, or getting a little glimpse of how their year went and what they did; to see if they moved, traveled or if they stayed in the same city, or if they got married, and so on. It’s a perfect way to keep in touch, even if just that once throughout the year. And not to mention, get people to use postal service and forget technology for a little bit. The expectation of waiting for something on the mail is just so so awesome.
When it comes to designing the cards, I really enjoy it but it sure makes my job easier to choose from adorable templates ready to go at ProDigital Photos.
I have been working with ProDigital for a few years now and I can’t recommend them enough. They are the funnest lab around, super fast at getting the job done and shipping it out to me. I truly support small business and locals, so there isnt anything better than this! Sometimes when I time allows, I just drive to them, which is always so cool.
I just wanted to make a post and show you guys how these turned out. If you watch my stories on my Instagram, you know how giddy I am with these. I am excited to be sending these out in the mail.
Have you done your Christmas cards yet?
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